
Very Amazingly Cool Website

Welcome to my Website!

About my Website

This is a place where I share cool things and cement myself on the internet as a whole

I started this website in November 2022 and I originally made it 90s themed. If you want to see how the

website looked like before the overhaul. It is available if you go to

The Stuff in my Website

The File Center

This is where I upload funny images from the internet and add them to my website. No matter if it is a funny

meme or some odd image, this is where it is.

Cool Links I Know

The title explains itself. This is where I post links to websites I find cool or funny

Cool Youtube Videos

Again, the title explains itself. This is where I embed Youtube videos I find funny or cool on my website.

Embedded Stuff

This is where I funny embeddings on my website besides Youtube videos. That is what the thing above is for

Nothing really else to explain.

My Blog

This is the place that gets the most updates. This is where I just talk about stuff. No matter if it is about

me and my prefrences, progress on my Minecraft world, news, or other things! I usually post around 7:30 to 10:00 PM on weekdays

and anytime on weekends.

Here are some links to my social media thingys

My Mastadon!

I made a Discord server in place of a guestbook

My Tumblr!