TechPerson's Very Amazingly Cool Web site! The web site of techperson389s-cool-website

My Very Amazingly Cool Website!

This is my very amazingly cool web site!

It is very cool .

Why did I make this web site?

  • Because I can.
  • Because I can.
  • And because I can.
  • The actual reason why I decided to make this because I think it would be nice to have my own little slice of the web
    filled with little qwirks and stuff.

    The reasons why I decided to make it 90s styled is because

  • I think it is a cool aesthetic.
  • I didn't get to experience the 90s web.
  • It is the easiest to code
  • And also because I can.

  • Here are some links for social media and whatnot.

    My Mastadon!

    My Discord!: This message is from the future. You ain't getting my discord.

    AOL Instant MessengerMicrosoft Internet Explorer for Windows 95Free Home Pages at GeoCitiesThis page is best viewed with Netscape!

    I created this website with Neocities!

    This site was created in 11/19/2022

    This site was last updated in 1/17/2023