TechPerson389's Very Cool Website

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"That's impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete." - Obi-Wan Kenobi

All Updates

July 24th, 2024 - Old Tech and Web Page Update

I have updated that part of this website quite a bit today, more specifically the programs part of it. If you are interested running new programs in old Windows, take a look!

June 23rd, 2024 - The Guestbook

I have desided to get rid of the guestbook. Not many used it and it was always getting spam anyways because of how outdated the service is.

June 15th, 2024 - The Old Minecraft Website in the Modern Day

As you all might know, I have a section of my website of "Website Restorations". One of them is a vision of if the old Minecraft website design was still being used today. I have updated the new update page for the new Tricky Trials update. So if any of you guys are interested, Here is the page.

May 26th, 2024 - R.I.P Bobathan the Great

When adding my new YT vid I made, I accidently overwritten Bob's widget and I have no idea how to get it back. So basically he is dead now. Darn.

May 24th, 2024 - Another Blog Update

I am going to have a thingy here that says when the blog (or the My Insights page) was last updated. For convience. Not for me, but for you.

May 23rd, 2024 - Blog Update

I finally actually did something on my blog! Yippee!

April 14th, 2024 - Minecraft Thingy

Sorry that I basically haven't done much of anything for about two months. I got bored. I might still be bored. But anyways, I am trying to get Minecraft Classic to work on the Minecraft 2013 thingy with ClassiCube. And so far, I haven't gotten it to work. If any of you know how I could, please contact me via something. I probably won't immediately get back to you, but I will see it eventually. Thanks!

February 19th, 2024 - One Million Views

WE HAVE REACHED ONE MILLION VIEWS!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for checking out my website at least once or twice! I appreciate it a lot! By the way, in terms of updates right now, they aren't that frequent, as I just haven't felt like it. But eventually, I might do something lol.

January 30th, 2024 - Reminder

Yes, I know this website hasn't had a major addition or update or anything like that for a month. But I just want to give a reminder that I do update some small things. Especially the Old Computing Guide I have.

January 1st, 2024 (2) - Minecraft 2013 Thingy I talked about

Now it is the new year for all of the world! Anyways, I finished the thing I talked about (I think) last month so now it is up here! Also, if you want to go on it with a browser without https, I packaged it up in a .zip file so you can use it locally!

January 1st, 2024 - NEW YEAR!!!!

It is the new year! At least in most parts of the world (not including me but it will soon!) Also I updated the Public Domain Film of the Year in the File Center. One more thing. My birthday is on New Years, so yippe!

December 25th, 2023 - Christmas Day

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 20th, 2023 - Christmas

Because it is the Christmas season, might as well make the main page look jolly!

December 18th, 2023 - MIDIs

Apparently when I made the 4.0 version and published it back in October, I forgot to double check that everything was good. Luckly, everything was. Except for the MIDIs (Unless you use the simple version). So that's fixed now lol.

December 6th, 2023 - A Break

I am fully taking a break from this website. As I said earlier, I have fully gotten tired out from it and I don't feel like it anymore. The website won't be abandoned though. I have been updating the Old Internet Guide thingy recently and sometimes I have been making some minor touch ups to the website. This break is probably going to last the rest of the year.

November 24th, 2023 - Minecraft Website

As you guys should know, I restored the old Minecraft website design a while back and changed it to basically be like if they never stopped using it and kept using it to the modern day. I am now going to fully restore the Minecraft website as it was around this time in 2013. I will try my best to get everything operational (except for a few things which obviously I can't like the store and minecraft accs). So that'l be fun!

November 19th, 2023 - One Year

It has officially been a year since I made this website! I thank you all for checking out my website in the past year I have been maintaining it!

November 6th, 2023 - A Good Update

I have came back a little early. Not sure if I will do all that much in these next days. But who knows. Anyways, I have added a Minecraft section to my old internet guide. Go check it out! Also, I added a few of those songs that I got to use the SM64 Soundfont in the audio section of the file center. And also I am using a new guestbook service because this one is much simpler.

Small note from the next day: 250k views!!! Woooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

November 6th, 2023 (ORIGINAL) - Small Update

I have came back a little early. Not sure if I will do all that much in these next days. But who knows. Anyways, I have added a Minecraft section to my old internet guide. Go check it out!

UPDATE: I have officially added an archive of my old blog to the Website 4.0 layout. To check it out, Go here!

November 1st, 2023 - 200k Views and Break

We have reached 200k views! Thank you all for coming to my website. But I have news. I am taking a break from the website because I am completely burned out from it. I will come back at the latest on the 1 year anniversay of my website (November 19th, 2023).

October 28th, 2023 - yt2009 Update

No new updates again, but I got access to yt2009 today! So I am going to give a review of it soon!

EDIT: I did update a couple things, those being the old internet guide and the audio section of the file center

October 24th, 2023 - Slowing down

No new updates today, but an announcement instead. I am slowing down on updating the website because I am starting to get burnt out. Don't worry though, I will be back eventually...

October 22nd, 2023 - BitView

Small update today, I am adding a section to the main page (this page) which has my latest BitView upload. Because why not! :)

October 19th, 2023 - yt2009

No website update today, but I am going to get access to this thing called "yt2009" on the 27th of October. yt2009 is a YouTube frontend that looks straight from 2009. It looks amazing and I can't wait to show it off in my blog!

October 18th, 2023 - 100,000 Views

100,000 VIEWS!!!!!!! Thank all of you for visiting my website! It means a lot to me that so many people have visited and checked out my little website! I don't really have anything to celebrate it except for a background change, but I will think of something! :)

October 17th, 2023 - 90,000 Views

The website has 90,000 views! I am gonna think of something to do for the 100,000 view milestone, so stay tuned! :)

New Design! (October 15th, 2023)

I have updated the design of the website again! I thank you all for your support for this website. It means a lot to me! Anyways, the design is basically a mix of the previous 90s aethetic along with a nice 2000s refresh. I used a template for this to be possible because I am not the best at coding HTML. So big thanks goes to Denise Mitchinson for giving out this template on her website! A link to it will be in the bottom header.

Something might go here...