Minecraft has become really important to us and to our community, which means that lots of you want to use the Minecraft Brand and the things around the game to do cool stuff. We're happy about that.

Sometimes, however, people go too far and do things that make the community think that their products and services are connected with or endorsed by us or even produced by us. We are not happy about that. Especially when people do it deliberately to take unfair advantage of the community and our work in that way. When that happens, fans buy things thinking they are official which are not. That means we can't control quality etc which diminishes the value of the work we have done and the trust that our community.

have in what we do.

We don't want you to stop doing the cool stuff that you do and so these Guidelines are intended to help everyone understand what we consider to be fair and unfair use of our "Brand". We've had some help from some lawyers and they will also help us if we need to take further steps to protect our rights but the purpose of these "Guidelines" is to give some clarity on what you can do without having to contact us (or our lawyers) - and what you mustn't do or else we (or our lawyers) will have to contact you.

We hope you understand.


These Guidelines cover the use of the Minecraft Brand and Minecraft Assets. For these purposes, therefore when we refer to:
- the Minecraft Name what we mean is the name Minecraft and any confusingly similar name;
- the Minecraft Brand what we mean is the Minecraft Name and the related logos and distinctive characteristics of the Minecraft;
- the Minecraft Assets what we mean is the code, software, graphics, textures, sound and audio from Minecraft.

These Guidelines apply in addition to and not in place of the Minecraft terms of use. Please remember that we say in those terms that we have one major rule about Minecraft and that is "Do not distribute anything we've made. This includes, but not limited to, the client or the server software for the game. This also includes modified versions of anything we've made." This also means do not make any commercial use of anything we've made and modified versions of anything we've made.

These Guidelines do not change that principle but are intended to help people understand what we expect and need.

Please also check back here from time to time because we will update these guidelines and provide further guidance.


The first thing to say is that there are the following Essential Requirements that apply to all use of the Minecraft Brand (which includes the Minecraft Name) and the Minecraft Assets. If you are allowed to use any part of the Minecraft Name, Minecraft Brand and / or the Minecraft Assets then what you are doing MUST:

  • NOT make people think that you or what your are doing is official; approved or endorsed by us; or associated or connected with us;
  • NOT be unlawful, deceptive, obscene, harmful or disparaging;
  • NOT adversely affect the Minecraft Brand or Minecraft Assets;
  • NOT include anything else around it that makes people think that you or what your are doing is official; approved or endorsed by us; or associated or connected with us;
  • comply with the Minecraft terms;
  • sufficiently differentiate the use of the Minecraft Name from any other branding

These are the "Essential Requirements".


Non-Commercial Things (including some info on YouTube videos)

We are very relaxed about things you do for yourself. Pretty much anything goes there - so go for it and have fun just don't distribute anything we've made etc.

We are also quite relaxed about other non-commercial things so feel free to create and share videos, screen shots, independently created mods (that don't use Minecraft Assets), fan art, machinima, and more on YouTube etc;

However if you want to use the Minecraft Name in the title of a product that you distribute or service that you provide (even if it is for free) then you have to:

  • follow the Essential Requirements;
  • do so in a way that honestly and fairly describes those things or the purpose of them; and
  • ensure that the Minecraft Name (which includes any confusingly similar name) is not the first word and don't use any other aspect of the Minecraft Brand or Minecraft Assets as part of any related branding, including as or as part of any logo.

This applies especially if you want to set up and run blogs, servers, community forums, fan sites, fan clubs, news groups, events and gatherings.

Commercial Things (including information about YouTube advertisments)

We are less relaxed about commercial things. You may not therefore use the Minecraft Name in or as the main name or title of commercial things.

You may use the Minecraft Name as a secondary name or title on YouTube, or any other site if you:

  • do so because it is necessary to honestly and fairly describe those things or the purpose of them:
  • follow the Essential Requirements;
  • ensure that the Minecraft Name (which includes any confusingly similar name) is not the dominant element or the distinctive part of the complete name or title of what you are doing;
  • don't use any other aspect of the Minecraft Brand or Minecraft Assets as part of any related branding, including as or as part of any logo.

Examples of naming: "The Shaft – a Minecraft podcast" (we're cool with that). "Minecraft - the ultimate help app" (we're NOT cool with that)

You may not make any other commercial use of the Minecraft Brand or Minecraft Assets for example you may not sell any merchandise that uses the Minecraft Brand or Minecraft Assets. If you upload videos of the game to video sharing and streaming sites (like YouTube) you are however allowed to put ads on them.

We love the idea of people doing cool things with Minecraft and sharing them with the community. That's something we totally support and encourage. So please feel free to do so but please also make sure you don't go too far.

If something isn't covered by these Guidelines that probably means we don't want you to do it. In any case if it isn't covered please don't do it without getting permission from us. You can contact us at brands at mojang.com. If something is specifically covered and permitted by these Guidelines and our Minecraft terms of use then you don't need to contact us.

Mojang AB